PINN works to advance a more equitable, holistic and productive continuum of education, human resource, workforce, small business, community and economic development. Our stories focus on the public health, education, workforce and library systems and their intended beneficiaries. We are also exploring ways to serve the public good through government contracting and technology transfer initiatives, which focus on the development of public interest technology and equitable high-capacity broadband expansion.
PINN has storytelling roots in a webinar hosted by the Council on Foundations in January of 2023. The event focused on "Raise the Bar - Unlocking Career Success" and featured Miguel Cardona, Secretary of the United States Department of Education. Storytelling was introduced as the potential catalyst of a vision that now guides our work.
The Council on Foundations and the Center for Public Interest Communications at the University of Florida have published an insightful and informative study on public interest storytelling and philanthropy, which is relevant to our work.