PINN supports a community engagement, reinvestment and development strategy designed to empower resilient individuals to uncover, create and illuminate human-centered solutions to diverse and large scale societal problems. The community engagement program at Sonoma State University provides an insightful case study in connecting classroom, campus and community. The process can broaden the societal scope and impact of entrepreneurship education, mentoring, work and outcomes-based service learning. -
PINN facilitates media collaborations among the academic, philanthropic, nonprofit, corporate and government sectors, which includes the public works, health, education, workforce, library, housing and environmental management systems and the arts and culture community. We welcome CDFI's, banks, insurance companies and others, along with their respective community partners.
We are exploring ways to attract and leverage cross-sector support for technology design and other human-centered innovations. We invite discussions about Enterprise Capital, which Capitalize Good defines as a new paradigm for philanthropy, which draws on the approach of for-profit equity investors.